Naagin actress Mouni Roy has back to back Bollywood projects in her kitty. She is sharing screen space with Akshay Kumar and Amit Sadh in upcoming Gold. As well as, she will be also seen in Brahmastra starring Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Amitabh Bachchan and in RAW, she is paired opposite John Abraham.
The director of Gold recently revealed what made her cast in the film. She said, “My casting director put several actresses on tape and when I saw Mouni’s first test, I was convinced. She had done such a good job that I was convinced she is the one we were looking for.” About her role in the film, she said: “She is playing Tapan Das’s wife, she has got a really fun part in the film.”
Well, you can see glimpses of Mouni Roy in the recently released teaser:
Earlier, in an interview, Mouni shared his experience working with Akshay Kumar and told, “(It was) wonderful. He is so sincere in every shot. First of all, I want to say that you feel so lucky to just stand in the same frame as him and every day on the film set, I have learned something. I have immense love and respect for that man. I am so glad to be a part of the film.”
However, this is her first full-fledged Hindi film and she added, “I really got goosebumps when I saw the Gold poster. Not only that, the teaser that we released a few days back was also impactful. It invoked a lot of deskbhakti (patriotism) in me. It just feels great that I am a part of this project. I have kept my fingers crossed. I am waiting for August 15.”
She said, “Because it is my first film, I remember each and every moment very vividly. I don’t think that there is a day or a song shoot which was more important than the other. Every single moment that I have spent on this film’s set is special for me.”
The film is slated to release on 15 August 2018. Directed by Reema Kagti and produced by Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani’s Excel Entertainment is based on the story of hockey player Balbir Singh.
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