Ishaqzaade actor Arjun Kapoor turned 33rd today and on his big day, he had his sisters Anshula Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor and dad Boney Kapoor to celebrate the birthday bash. They all were spotted at Arjun Kapoor’s residence last night for the late night cake cutting.
However, to wish him on his birthday, Janhvi Kapoor shared a picture of herself with sisters Khushi and Anshula and brother Arjun from Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja’s reception to wish Arjun on his birthday and she wrote: “You are the reason for our strength. Love you, happy birthday Arjun bhaiya
On the other hand, younger sister of Arjun, Anshula also shared their childhood picture and wrote, “Happy birthday Bhai You are genuinely the kindest, most hardworking, strongest & funniest person I know, with the biggest heart. You’ve always been our “protector” & my anchor in more ways than one – my steadfast support, my shelter from the storm, my strength & my emotional cornerstone. I will always be grateful that you’ve been with me through it all, making sure we are strong enough to withstand anything & that we will always come out on the other side unscathed. Always continue marching to your own beat, because we wouldn’t have you be any other way you to infinity @arjunkapoor ” In the picture, you can see Arjun is sitting on the floor while she is sitting in a toy car.
Not only Janhvi and Anshula but also Sonam Kapoor wished him as: “Happy happy birthday Arjun! Love you tons! Wish I was there celebrating with you.. miss you! @arjunkapoor you’re the best brother anyone can have, to the funniest kindest gentlest boy”
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