We Madly Love Each Other Since 10 Yrs But We Can’t Be Together Because I Can’t Give Her This Thing - PrimeNews7 Blog Website

Wednesday 6 June 2018

We Madly Love Each Other Since 10 Yrs But We Can’t Be Together Because I Can’t Give Her This Thing

The day is still fresh in my memories when I saw Kavya for the first time in the college. The year was 2007 and I wished that she also belonged to Electrical branch. Probably if I had asked something else from God that day, my wish would have been fulfilled.
She was a very simple girl and her simplicity casted a magical spell on me. There was something different about her and unlike other girls, she didn’t use to show off despite the fact that she hailed from a rich and reputed family. Her father is a businessman, her mom is a doctor and her elder brother was pursuing MBA after engineering.
What I liked the most about her was that she never boasted of her affluence nor she was egoistic. On the contrary, she wanted to make her identity on her own rather than seeking advantage from her parents’ money.
Her qualities made me crazy about her and one day, I asked her for friendship. She accepted and we exchanged numbers.
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From lunch to notes and assignments, we used to do it all together and she became more than a friend for me. I had no idea about her feelings but I didn’t want to lose her and that’s why, I was hesitated to express my love.
A couple of months passed and one day, I saw another guy proposing to her. Even though she didn’t accept, this made me upset and as I got suitable time, I conveyed my feelings to her that day only, fearing that some other guy didn’t enter her life.
At first, she was shocked because she considered me only a friend and asked for some time. I had no option other than to wait for her answer. She said “YES” after a week and I was in seventh heaven.
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It seemed that time had got wings and we didn’t realise when four years of college completed. However, I had understood one thing in those years, i.e., she had become my life and I wouldn’t be able to live without her. The same was the case with her and it was high time for me to prove my caliber for the prettiest girl with whom I made many promises.
We both wanted government jobs and from 2011 to 2014, we prepared for it. She got the job of PO in a bank in 2015 but I was still jobless. After a year, i.e., in 2016, her parents started forcing her to get married. By then, her elder brother also got well-settled in abroad. When she had no excuse left to stop her family, she told them about me and all the drama took place. When they asked about my job, she said that I was trying to find a suitable job and will soon get one. This made them lose temper but she was adamant to marry me.
Another year passed and her elder brother also got wed. In the meantime, she rejected many marriage proposals because her love for me is true and she just couldn’t imagine her life with someone else. It’s 2018 and I’m still unemployed.
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To add to my misery, my family background is also not financially sound. My father is a retired school teacher and gets Rs. 25,000 as pension. Although this amount is enough for a family of three or four, her parents are not agreed.
She’s 27 and I’m 28 but my parents are not pushing me for the job, as they have brought me up with extreme love and care. I’m very precious to them because they got me after seven years of their marriage and I’m their only child.
Even if my family doesn’t make me realise my responsibility, the truth of being jobless is suffocating me from within as I’m not able to prove my worth for Kavya who’s my life. Gradually I’m losing my confidence but she still has faith in me. I feel as if I will be unemployed the whole life but she makes utmost efforts to fill me with enthusiasm.
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She’s still fighting with her parents for me and I don’t know whether I would ever be able to marry her. If truth be told, I feel now that I don’t deserve her and once when I asked her to get married to the boy whom her parents would choose for her, she threatened me of committing suicide. I’m under extreme pressure and don’t know where my life will take us to. Getting married to her is my dream and I want to turn it into reality but I have no idea what destiny has planned for us.

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