The trio of Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma, and Katrina Kaif will be reuniting years after working on Jab Tak Hai Jaan. The film is titled as ZERO. SRK will play the role of a dwarf and it is said that Katrina will be playing a role of an actress who is also alcoholic and Anushka Sharma will play the role of scientist.
The superstar has completed his shoot and is now spending quality time with his family in Spain.
SRK along with Gauri Khan, AbRam Khan and Aryan Khan left for the holiday destination from Mumbai, his daughter Suhana Khan flew down to the city from London. Yesterday, Gauri shared photos of AbRam and Aryan with Shah Rukh. She captioned the image as “Best a woman can get… soaking the sun with my boys in Barcelona.”
Soon, we saw King Khan taking to social media and sharing another photo. SRK posted the photo on Instagram stories. In the photo, we see Suhana Khan kissing her daddy dearest’s cheeks.
Shah Rukh’s eldest son Aryan has often become the talking point for being a look-alike of his father. Recently, Aryan attended Akash Ambani’s engagement bash with SRK and Gauri.
Shah Rukh was to star in Salute after Zero. Salute is a biopic of Indian cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma titled Salute. The superstar was going to start with the shoot in September. However, the shooting of the film is now delayed. As reported by a leading daily, the actor will start with the shoot for Zero in October.
A source informed, “SRK’s dates for Salute are yet to be locked. After the dates are finalised and the cast has been signed on, the film’s makers will make an official announcement. Though the movie was initially planned to go on floors this September, it is now being deferred by a month and will begin only in October.” Zero is slated to release on December 21, 2018.
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