10 Weird Marriage Traditions From Around The World - PrimeNews7 Blog Website

Saturday, 20 October 2018

10 Weird Marriage Traditions From Around The World

There are tons of marriage traditions in this country and different community follows different tradition, like stealing the groom’s shoes during the wedding and so on. Different people have a different belief in their tradition so you may witness some weird customs too. So let’s take a look at those traditions.

So here are those 10 weird marriage traditions from around the world that’ll make you go crazy!

10. Banging on the wedding night in France

10 Weird Marriage Traditions From Around The World
In France, there is a tradition named Charivari and in this relatives and friends of the newlywed bang plates and pans outside the house of the new couple to disturb them from consummating their marriage.

9. Fat farms

In Mauritania, there is a belief that the fatter the wife the better the marriage, so they are sent to fat farms after marriage to become chubbier and to gain weight.

8. Beating with dead fish in Korea

In South Korea, the groom is beaten by bamboo and dead fish on his feet to make him ready for his first night. How can beating help in that?

7. Blackening ritual in Scotland

There is a tradition in Scotland in which the bride is covered with all sorts of disgusting material and then they tie her to a tree. They believe that in this way they prove that they are ready for everything after marriage, like ANYTHING.

6. Practice crying in China

For a good marriage in China, brides have to cry for an hour every day and this goes on for a month, sometimes they are accompanied by others too.

5. Killing a baby chick in Inner Mongolia and China

In Daur tribe of these regions, the couple who is going to get married has to kill a baby chick and check its liver, if the liver is fine then they can set a date for the wedding and if not then they have to keep on killing baby chicks to find a fine liver.

4. Holding shit and pee

In Tidong community of Borneo, the groom and bride are confined to a room and for 3 days and nights, they are not allowed to pee or poop. LIKE SERIOUSLY!

3. Minimum two kids

In Sudan, there are tribes that believe that in order to sustain a happy and healthy marriage, the wife needs to give birth to two children otherwise the husband is free to divorce her over this.

2. Spitting on daughter

In Maasai tradition, the father is told to spit on her daughter to give her good luck before she leaves with her husband after marriage.

1. Swedish kissing party

During the wedding in Swedish tradition, if a groom leaves the room then all men in the room stand up to kiss the bride and if bride leaves the room then all women in the room stand up to kiss the groom. INTERESTING!

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