10 Women Who Look Exactly Like Disney Princesses - PrimeNews7 Blog Website

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

10 Women Who Look Exactly Like Disney Princesses

So here are those 10 people who look almost like some Disney princess!

10. Merida

10 Women Who Look Exactly Like Disney Princesses
Caitlyn Boyd is a teenager from Scotland who is just a lookalike of the fiery princess Merida from Brave. She was also offered the job to play Merida in Orlando’s Disney World.

9. Pocahontas

10 Women Who Look Exactly Like Disney Princesses
A Filipino model named Sherri Lansang was once said to dress up like Pochahontas for a photo-shoot and when she came out dressed like one, she almost looked the twin of that Disney character.

8. Anna

Lexie Grace Carlson from Florida looked so much like one of the frost sisters, Anna from Frozen. She beautifully dressed like Anna had matched every detail from her hair to her costume.

7. Elsa

A nurse named Lydia Lewington of England just fell in love with the character of princess Elsa and decided to dress like her and then she entertained the sick children of the hospital.

6. Belle

Though Emma Watson played the role of Belle in Beauty and the Beast Anne Hathaway could have suited the role of Belle as she has a lot of resemblance to that Disney princess.

5. Rapunzel

Model Skyler Vallo was also asked to dress like a Disney princess by the photographer who took the photos of the model dressed above as Pochahontas. She appeared like Rapunzel and no matter, she looked similar to Rapunzel.

4. Jasmine

A model named Olayinka Mia Noel had dressed like princess Jasmine in one of her Halloween party and she went so viral that the world went crazy after her.

3. Ariel

Traci Hines is a YouTube star as well as a fashion designer and singer too. She loves to dress like Ariel and also sing like her, her wedding theme was also “Mermaid” and now she performs as Ariel for the happiness of children.

2. All princesses

A girl named Sarah Ingle just loves to dress like a princess, not only one but all kinds of Disney princesses. She spends around $14k on her outfits and wigs to look like a princess.

1. The boy dressed as the princess

This guy named Richard Schaefer is just crazy for his looks and loves to dress like Disney princesses, he even makes his own clothes and spends hours of his life to achieve a proper look.  

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