Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel celebrated her late grandmother’s birthday on Tuesday. During this time some friends reached their house but during the celebration, there was no family member of Ameesha. A video of this celebration has surfaced in which Ameesha kicks one cake and then feeds one friend and then starts eating her own cake.
She then lifted her grandmother’s picture and kissed it. Her grandmother died in 2010. Amisha does not have good relations with her parents even they do not have a conversation either.
Ameesha has accused her parents of misusing her income. She had filed a lawsuit against her father for a loss of 12 Crore rupees. In 2004 the fight became even worse when Ameesha’s relationship was linked to director Vikram Bhatt.
Amisha told in an interview given to the media, “My parents did not want me to meet Vikram or marry him. They wanted me to be married to someone who has a lot of money. When I asked mom about my money, she started fighting with me. Not only this, once mother saw me with Vikram at 4 o’clock in the morning, she beat me with a sandal. After this, he often started beating me with my sandal. I got upset with daily beatings and left the house.”
However, Ameesha is no longer with Vikram. Many people called the video a publicity stunt and some even called it nonsense. Ameesha was last seen in Saif Ali Khan, and Deepika Padukone’s famous Race 2.
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