90’s most popular actress Karisma Kapoor is away from the Bollywood but she is very much active on social media and keeps on attending various events that take place. Karisma most of the time spotted with her nephew Taimur alongside Bebo and Saif. And her Veera’s Mallika Arora, Amrita Arora, Kareena and herself are famous in the B’town. Whenever they are spotted together they became the talk of the town.
Karisma recently celebrated her 44th Birthday with her family in London in a sweet and simple way. Karisma went to visit in a Zoo in London with sister Bebo, Saif Ali Khan, Taimur, her mom Babita and her kids Samiera and Kiaan Raj Kapoor and also cut the cake.
Karisma took to her Instagram and shared her birthday post and also captioned it as, “Picnic in the park! #family #love #familytime #papa missed you #simplepleasures #thebest #londondiaries🇬🇧”.
Have a look at the picture:
Other than that she celebrated her birthday with Sonam K Ahuja and others. Here are some pictures from her birthday celebration with the girl gang and others also.
Karisma’s looks are always on point and she was looking really cute in her black floral dress with a ponytail and smokey eyes, where Sonam opted for a cool denim shirt look and Bebo was looking simply cool in her white maxi dress.
Sonam also wished Lolo taking to her Instagram and shared a picture from her gala wedding and captioned it as, “Happy happy birthday my darling Lolo. May life offer you tons of good times, peace and all the happiness in the world.. love you tons! @therealkarismakapoor 📸 @reelsandframes”.
Karisma turns 44 but she never looks like one. If you haven’t checked her recent pictures from her London tour, watch it here. She really is a style queen.
So what you think about the pictures above, tell us in the comment section and also if you want Lolo to make a comeback in movies soon, share your opinion.
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